Difference between “Lay” and “Lie” (Lesson-44)

Hello, friends!
My name is Snehal. I welcome you on my podcast channel where you can learn a lot about English grammar and vocabulary. Today we are going to talk about One of the most important pairs of word in English grammar and vocabulary. It is very very important from the point of view of English. Sometimes, plenty of people avoid this word pair deliberately because it’s quite perplexing. Therefore, without wasting much time, let’s deep dive into it.

Today’s word pair is “Lay” and “Lie”. For you information, both are verbs.

A. Lay = to put something down (on something).
Main verb – Lay / Past tense – Laid / Past participle – Laid
1. I lay the marker on the table.
2. I laid the marker on the table last night.
3. I have laid the marker on the table.
4. I lay my head on the pillow.
5. I laid my books on the floor.
6. I have laid dinner on the table.
Note: ‘Lay’ must have an OBJECT.

B. Lie = to rest or recline
Main verb – Lie / Past tense – Lay / Past participle – Lain
1. My dog lies in front of me.
2. I lay in my bed.
3. I have lain in a hammock before.
Note: ‘Lie’ must not have an OBJECT but it takes a PREPOSITION.

BONUS: Lie(v.) – not truth
Main verb – Lie / Past tense – Lied / Past participle – Lied
1. He never lies in front of his parents.
2. Have you seen any person who has never lied in any situations?

1. Please, ____(lay) the bill on the table.   2.  You look sick. _____ (lie)down.   3.  I need to  ____(lie) in a bed. 4.  The dinner was ____(laid) on the table.  5. She ___(lies) to hide her mistakes.  6. Don’t _____(lie). I hate liars.

This is how you can use this word pair. If such a word pair comes across, try to identify its meaning and usage from its context.

Well, I hope you enjoyed today’s podcast. My objective is everyone should learn something valuable everyday related to English. Just keep practicing and revising. You will learn a lot within a short time period. Kindly hit a like button if you find this podcast useful. The written description of this podcast will be there in the description segment. I will see you tomorrow, till then bye and take care!

Podcast link: https://anchor.fm/snehalhedau/episodes/Difference-between-Lay–Lie-Lesson-44-edt555

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