Three-word phrasal verbs (Lesson-46)

Hello, friends!
My name is Snehal. I welcome you on my podcast channel where you can learn a lot about English grammar and vocabulary. Today we are going to talk about one of my favorite topics of English grammar and vocabulary and it is phrasal verbs. If you want to take your writing style next level or impress somebody with your English then you should use these common phrasal verbs. Therefore, without wasting much time, let’s deep dive into it.

What is a phrasal verb? It is combination of a verb and a preposition. Sometimes it can have two prepositions. Today, we will see three-word phrasal verbs their meanings and usages in various sentences. These phrasal verbs are: Come up with, Come down with, Cut down on, Look up to and Put up with.

  1. Come up with – think of good a plan or an idea
    The secretary is popular in the entire company because he always comes up with really good ideas. / She is a favorite student of all the teachers because she comes up with nice thoughts. / The boss came up with a nice plan to counter COVID-19 in the company premises.
  2. Come down with – to get sick
    If you come down with a severe fever, immediately consult a skilled doctor. / Last year she could not attend my birthday because the came down with an extreme headache. / He got wet in heavy rain and suddenly after that he came down with pneumonia.
  3. Cut down on – to reduce quantity of something
    He smokes 10 cigarettes a day. He must cut down on cigarettes. / Children need to cut down on chocolates. / She is suffering from diabetics. She has to cut down on sugar as soon as possible.
  4. Look up to – to respect or admire someone
    We must look up to our parents. / Students should look up to their teachers. / I really look up to my listeners.
  5. Put up with – to tolerate somebody/something
    People will have to put up with COVID-19. / She cannot put up with the cold weather. She has to leave this place quickly. / Customers don’t put up with lower quality products.

Well, I hope you enjoyed today’s podcast. My objective is each of you should add something valuable everyday related to English. Just keep practicing and revising. You will learn a lot within a short time period. Kindly hit a like button if you find this podcast useful. The written description of this podcast will be there in the description segment. I will see you tomorrow, till then bye and take care!

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