Common mistakes with prepositions (Lesson-19)

Hello, friends!
My name is Snehal. Today we are going to discuss “Common mistakes with prepositions”. Before moving on, we should understand what the preposition means. Preposition is the combination of “Pre” and “Position”. “Pre” means before and “Position” means place. Something is placed before a noun or a pronoun. Therefore, the definition of preposition is “a word or a particle shows the relationship of a noun or a pronoun to the rest of the sentence.” A few examples of prepositions are AT, ON, IN, FOR, OF and so on. That was all basics about prepositions. Now, I am gonna share you some common mistakes made by some people in details. I will try to make it as simple as possible. So, without wasting much time, let’s dive into it.

  1. Sure OF, not sure for (Always remember: Sure is followed by OF. The same goes with the verb CERTAIN.)
    Don’t say: She was absolutely sure for my bravery. / She was absolutely certain for my bravery.
    Say: She was absolutely sure OF my bravery. / She was absolutely certain OF my bravery.
  2. Marry/Married TO, not with (Always remember: The verb “marry’ is followed by TO. The same goes with the verb “engage’.)
    Don’t say: She is married with her boyfriend. / She is engaged with her boyfriend.
    Say: She is married TO her boyfriend. / She is engaged TO her boyfriend.
  3. Get rid OF, not from (GET RID OF means something/someone that you don’t want anymore.)
    Don’t say: All of us want to get rid from lock down.
    Say: All of us want to get rid OF lock down.
  4. Superior TO, not than (SUPERIOR means better than something/someone OR higher in rank)
    Don’t say: P.G. Wodehouse is superior than Agatha Christie.
    Say: P.G. Wodehouse is superior TO Agatha Christie.
  5. Angry WITH, not against
    Don’t say: Her parents were angry against her.
    Say: Her parents were angry WITH her.
    (Note: “Angry with” is used when we use a person as a noun whereas “angry at” is used when we use a thing or an opinion as a noun. Example: He is angry with me / He is angry at the smartphone’s slow response.)

I hope you enjoyed this podcast and it has created some awareness regarding the usage of the preposition. The written description of the podcast will be available in the description segment. I will come up tomorrow with a new topic. Till then bye and take care!

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