Commonly confusing words – “Desert” and “Dessert” (Lesson-22)

Hello, friends!
My name is Snehal and today we are going to talk about two very commonly confusing words. These two words are DESERT and DESSERT. Once you learn how to use them, you will never get confused. So, without wasting much time, let’s dive into it.

First thing, both the words have different pronunciation. D-E-S-E-R-T is pronounced as “desert”. On the other hand, D-E-S-S-E-R-T is pronounced as “dessert”.  Therefore be very careful when you pronounce the words.

Second thing, DESERT is a noun as well as a verb. When the word DESERT is used as a noun its meaning is the place or area where there is no water and it is thoroughly covered with sand. For example, the Sahara desert is the largest hot desert located in Africa. When the word DESERT used as a verb its meaning is to leave a place or a thing or a person. For instance, after a horrific incidence, all the tourists have deserted the “Sun point”. This house was deserted a few decades back because a lot of people believe that it was badly cursed. He deserted his girlfriend just because of a trivial quarrel.
Sometimes, DESERT is also used as an adjective. Its adjective form is DESERTED. Sample sentence, Have you ever heard of a deserted island?

Final thing, DESSERT is a noun and its meaning is sweet food is eaten at the end of the main course. Pastry and ice cream are examples of dessert. An example sentence: this restaurant is famous for its superb dessert.

I hope you have enjoyed today’s podcast. I tried my best to make it as simple as possible. Still you have any confusion; you can join my facebook page. The link will be there in the description segment. I will see you tomorrow, till then bye and take care!

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